
ECI Hosts Poetry Evening in Honor of Service Martyrs

ECI Hosts Poetry Evening in Honor of Service Martyrs
The Poetry Evening for Martyrs of Service took place on Monday, June 24, 2024. at the ECI, and was attended by officials and poets from ECO member countries, including Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Türkiye.
At the outset of the event, Dr. Saad S. Khan, the ECI President, commenced underscored the significant impact of the late Iranian President Mr. Raisi’s martyrdom, noting that it was a profound shock not only for Iranians but also for the entire Muslim community. He highlighted that the sorrow from the loss of these martyrs is a collective grief.
The guest of honor of the ceremony, Mr. Mohammad Reza Bahmani, the Scientific and Cultural Deputy of the Islamic Culture and Communication Organization, spoke about the character of Martyr Raisi and other martyrs. He noted, “Sometimes we discuss a person, and sometimes we delve into the character of a person. Today, we are focusing on the character  of Martyr Raisi and other Martyrs.”
Mr. Ahmed Shahryar, Cultural Expert of Pakistan at ECI, served as the moderator of the meeting. Alongside him, Dr. Ali Davoudi, Dr. Jesson Reza Naqvi, Mr. Saeb Jafari, Mr. Ibrahim Noori, Mr. Mumtaz Atef, Mr. Yousef Danesh, Ms. Kobri Hosseini Balkhi, Ms. Seyedah Sakineh Gangour, and Ms. Fatemeh Betul Sayyuz recited poems in Persian, Urdu, and Turkish languages, paying tribute to the service martyrs.
Jun 24, 2024 18:30
Number of visit : 405


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