Statement by President of ECO Cultural Institute H. E. Dr. Saad S. Khan The 27th Meeting of the ECO Council of Ministers October 10, 2023- Shusha, Republic of Azerbaijan
Distinguished Chair,
Honorable Foreign Ministers of the ECO Member States,
Ladies and Gentlemen
As the new President of the ECO Cultural Institute, it is my distinct privilege and honour to speak at this important meeting of the ECO Council of Ministers.
At the outset, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan for the excellent arrangement of this meeting, warm welcome, and hospitality.
Let me begin by underscoring that a plain reading of the Charter of the ECO Cultural Institute makes it clear that it has the same relation and status with respect to the Economic Cooperation Organization, as the UNESCO has with the United Nations and the ISESCO with the Organization of the Islamic Cooperation (OIC). The cultural cooperation regimes and arrangements both at the global and regional levels from Western Europe to Western Africa, from the Arab world to the Latin Americas, highlight the importance of civilizations and cultures in regional and national identities. Future conflicts may not be on the basis of clash of civilizations but future regional integrations are likely, to a large extent, to be contingent upon the resurgence of cultural consciousness amongst and between nations.
The ECOCI was first founded in 1966 as the first ever specialized agency of, what was then called, the Regional Cooperation for Development as RCD Culture Institute. It was revived after the revival of RCD as ECO and its expansion to seven more member states in Central Asia and the Caucus. Now ECOCI prides itself as representative of diverse member states spanning across ten nations in the heart of Asia, the true reflection of the power of culture in bringing people together cannot be realized unless all ten ECO member states become its full members. Our shared history, traditions, and values serve as a foundation for building stronger economic and diplomatic ties within our region. We cannot truly embrace the potential of economic cooperation without first acknowledging the importance of our cultural ties. By showcasing our diverse cultural heritage, we have the power to attract investment, and tourism, and promote sustainable development in the region. Just as the roots of a tree provide stability and nourishment, our shared cultural heritage forms the foundation upon which we can build a prosperous and harmonious future for our nations.
Honourable Ministers,
Culture is the lifeblood of societies, the essence of who we are as individuals and as communities. It is through culture that we express our values, beliefs, and aspirations. It is through culture that we preserve our collective memory and pass on our traditions to future generations.
The full exploitation of this considerable historic asset necessitates comprehensive and extensive collaboration of the ECO member countries and their pertinent cultural organizations at the regional level. And none of this will be possible if the financial problems that the ECOCI finds itself in, are not addressed promptly, robustly and resolutely.
As a first step, I appeal to the Chair of the COM to consider announcing his country’s joining the ECOCI as a full member here at this COM to set an example for other remaining member states to consider likewise. Among the biggest states, that are members; Pakistan, the founding state; Iran, the host state and Türkiye, the newest state in ECOCI to consider paying their annual contribution before the upcoming Council of Heads of State in Uzbekistan next month.
Once, the ECOCI comes out of its existential challenges, the Institute will bring proposals to this forum through the CPR and its Board of Trustees for revision of the rates of annual contribution by at least 50 percent to partially offset the global inflation since these subscription rates were set way back in 2009.
And lastly, the member states may consider donating to the ECOCI some building or arts gallery n their national capitals to the ECOCI to enable it to raise revenues through commercial means.
Ladies and gentlemen,
The realization of our goals and objectives lies in our collective efforts and collaboration. It is through the collaboration of all ten ECO member states that the ECO Cultural Institute can truly achieve its vision.
By fostering a sense of pride in our cultural heritage, we can inspire the next generation and ensure the continuity of our shared legacy. Let us create a platform where their voices can be heard, their talents can shine, and their dreams can be nurtured.
Since the Institute’s Annual Report of Activities has already been circulated among the Member States, I do not intend to repeat the content here. However, I want to assure that the next year’s calendar can be much brighter, much busier and more exciting with your cooperation and collaboration. And to that end, at the cost of repetition, I extend a warm invitation to all the remaining ECO countries to join the ECO Cultural Institute as full members.
Before concluding, I would like to acknowledge the worthwhile efforts made by H.E. Mr. Murodjon Buriboev, the former President of ECO Cultural Institute from Tajikistan who held the position until last month. He will be missed at our Institute. And as the new President, I have already set some meetings with delegates on the sidelines of this COM and look forward to more fruitful formal meetings and CPR members with Ambassadors of the ECO member countries back in Tehran over the coming weeks in order to benefit from their ideas and suggestions for cultural collaboration between our nations from the platform of ECOCI as well as from national focal agencies on arts, literature, histography and culture.
I would like to end by expressing my sincere gratitude to all the distinguished foreign ministers and delegates present here today. Your presence signifies your commitment to the ideals of regional cooperation. Let us seize this opportunity to further strengthen the ties that bind us, to celebrate our shared heritage, and to pave the way for a prosperous and united future.
Thank you for your attention.
Just as a symphony is composed of different instruments, each contributing its unique sound to create a harmonious whole, our diverse cultures enrich the fabric of our region. Our cultural heritage is the key to unlocking the doors of collaboration, fostering mutual respect, and strengthening the bonds among our people.
The fact that the ECO Cultural Institute has a longer history of activities than any other ECO-affiliated body stems from the same common and unifying background.
By prioritizing programs that resonate with our younger generation, we can ensure their active engagement in shaping the cultural landscape of our region.
By working together, we can organize a wide array of cultural programs, events, and activities in the areas of culture, literature, and arts that can enhance cultural relations among our people and create a vibrant platform for dialogue and exchange. Let us encourage our scholars, artists, and intellectuals to join hands and showcase the richness of our traditions.
By doing so, you will not only contribute to the growth and development of the Institute but also benefit from the vast network of cultural opportunities it offers. Becoming a full member will grant you access to a myriad of collaborations and partnerships that will help promote your own cultural expressions and foster greater understanding among our nations.
Just as a solitary candle may illuminate a small space, together, as full members, we can ignite a beacon of cultural exchange that lights up the entire region. By joining forces, we can promote our shared values, and contribute to the flourishing of our region.