On January 16,2025, Dr.Saad Khan met with Mrs. Jyldyz Kemelovna Bakashova, the Head of the National Museum of Kyrgyzstan, and exchanged view about the expansion of cooperation with the aim to develop museum activities.
During this meeting, Dr. Saad Khan expressed the objectives and various programs of the ECI in the field of expanding cultural interactions, particularly historical interactions in the fields of libraries and museums.
Meanwhile, Dr. Saad Khan emphasized the important role of museum diplomacy and promotion of the joint cooperation in holding various exhibitions in the field of museum’s items of the ECO member countries.
The Head of the National Museum of Kyrgyzstan while expressing her pleasure to meet with the President of the ECI and the accompanying delegation, welcomed the views of Dr. Saad Khan and said: “ the National Museum of Kyrgyzstan is ready to hold cultural and art programs in the National Museum of this country in order to introduce to the people of the world, the glory of the history of the ECO region and to further promote their awareness about the ancient ties existed among the countries of ECO region.”
Mrs. Jyldyz Kemelovna Bakashova expressed hope that Dr. Saad Khan’s visit to Bishkek will promote furhter interactions between the two sides in the field of museum and common historical heritage and the implementation of mutual projects.